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The #1 Newsletter For Marketers & CMOs Who Are Ready To Embrace A.I.

The A.I. Driven Growth Marketer

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"Ahoy! I'm Alex..."

"They call me the A.i. growth marketer around here. Join if you're serious about scaling your business through A.i. growth marketing!"

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Right Now You're On The Titanic... And You Don't Know It.

Hailed as the, unsinkable ship...

It set sail in 1912 with 2,224 passengers from England to New York.

Only 1,500 passengers arrived, cold, battered and traumatized in New York.

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titanic photo

The Iceberg Lurking Underwater Is A.i.

Everyday life will become more convenient, and easier than before.

But those with the knowledge to utilize this great technology will be the ones to survive.

One day per week, you could catch up on the latest of A.i. news and insights to;

  • Future-proof your business

  • Build and a.i. driven growth strategy

  • Unlock true growth with a.i. tools & tactics

  • Join the newsletter

    Your Competition Is A 14-Year Old In A Basement Who's Hungrier Than You

    Currently we're seeing A.i. call centers be deployed to great effect.

    Thousands are already losing their jobs.What are the skills the newly unemployed jobseekers acquire to stay relevant?

    That's what you'll get delivered to your inbox every week to stay relevant and learn how to start building your A.i. Strategy Today.

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